Do you want to give salty liquorice a try but not sure which ones to choose? Our Salty Mixed Liquorice is a mix of 8 different types of salted liquorice. Some are only mild salt and some are a bit stronger. If you already like salty liquorice or want to give it a try this is perfect for you! Sweet & Salty Liquorice Mild Salty Liquorice Medium Salty Liquorice Strong Salty Liquorice Whats included in our Salty Liquorice Mix Salmiac Herrings - Salty & Sweet with a mild liquorice flavour Toms Witches - Medium strength salty liquorice with salmiak centre Salt Liquorice Skulls - Strong salty and chewy liquorice from Sweden Black School Chalk - Medium salmiac flavour and a crunchy coating Double Salted Triangles - Medium salty hard liquorice triangles Pink Foam Skulls - Mild salty liquorice mixed with sweet raspberry Toffee & Salty Ovals - Mild salty liquorice mixed with toffee Ingredients: Please see indivdual product pages for full ingredients. Allergens are as follows : WHEAT Allergens: Attention customers with food allergies they will be listed in BOLD.